RESPOND TO THIS TWO PEERS CITE APA FORMAT RESOURCES {2019-2024) chinoyere Understanding and exploiting my strengths as a nurse is critical for




Understanding and exploiting my strengths as a nurse is critical for providing excellent patient care and effectively contributing to the healthcare team. Upon completing the StrengthsFinder assessment, my top five Clifton strengths are maximizer, connectedness, achiever, belief, and empathy (Gallup, 2024). The strengths I possess significantly influence my method of nursing practice, from how I engage with patients to my collaboration with team members, and the manner I overcome obstacles.

Results from the StrengthsFinder Assessment

Maximizer: As someone who always strives for excellence, my motivation lies in refining and advancing the current methods and results within the nursing field. This particular trait encourages me to promote teamwork and excellence as a nurse. I want to foster teamwork by recognizing and using each team member’s unique abilities, skills, and experiences. I encourage cooperation, mutual support, and individual growth via mentoring, training, and shared learning. I want to improve patient care, results, and our collective healthcare excellence by stressing a strengths-based approach.

Connectedness: In my nursing work, I believe in the interconnection of all things. I believe life has few coincidences and that most events have meaning. I see everything as part of a wider tapestry, including patient-family relationships, medical results, and healthcare team dynamics. This viewpoint governs my behaviors and judgments, driving me to seek greater knowledge and connection in every scenario. Recognizing the importance of each moment, I provide comprehensive and compassionate treatment that recognizes the complex web of connections and experiences that make up the healthcare journey.

Achiever: With a strong achiever theme, I am inspired to establish and achieve goals via devotion and tenacity. This motivates me to explore professional development opportunities, advocate for patient needs, and help improve healthcare outcomes in nursing.

Belief: My nursing profession is based on strong ideas and values, and I stress honesty, compassion, and ethical behavior. This belief informs my relationships with patients, families, and coworkers, ensuring that care is provided with decency, respect, and empathy.

Empathy: In my role as a nurse, empathy plays a pivotal role, allowing me to grasp and cater to the emotional requirements of patients and their families. My goal is to foster authentic relationships, offer solace, and assist patients as they navigate through their medical treatments and recovery.


Core values, strengths, and characteristics I would like to strengthen.

I aim to strengthen the core values of resilience and integrity. Resilience is a positive idea that enables nurses to endure difficult events and adapt constructively, thereby maintaining their psychological well-being and mental health (Kim, E.Y., & Chang, S.O., 2022). By enhancing resilience, I will be better equipped to handle challenges, obstacles, and demanding circumstances within the healthcare field, ensuring my well-being remains intact and enabling me to consistently deliver exemplary care to those who require it with unwavering commitment and persistence. Additionally, reinforcing integrity ensures that I adhere to ethical norms and professional benchmarks, embodying honesty, openness, and reliability in every facet of my professional practice. Giving precedence to these core principles will allow me to contribute significantly towards positive outcomes for patients, establish trust-based relationships with my peers, and safeguard the esteem of the nursing field.

Two Strengths

The two strengths I would like to strengthen are communication and adaptability.  As a nurse, strengthening effective communication skills involves the ability to convey information, compassionately, and accurately to patients, their families, and other healthcare team members. Effective communication also involves providing information promptly, addressing questions and concerns, and collaborating with interdisciplinary team members to ensure coordinated and patient-centered care (Sharkiya S.H., 2023). I will continue to improve my communication skills.

Furthermore, adaptability is an essential skill for nurses, particularly in the dynamic and fast-paced healthcare setting. I work with a wide range of patients in ever-changing healthcare settings. I want to quickly respond to changing patient demands and unexpected problems like treatment protocol modifications or emergencies. Adaptable nurses can readily adjust to changes in patient conditions, organizational policies, and healthcare protocols.  I need to be flexible to stay calm, address problems swiftly, and assure continuity of service, improving patient outcomes and hospital culture.

Two Characteristics to Strengthen

I am committed to enhancing my abilities in critical thinking and task delegation. Improving my critical thinking skills will allow me to dissect complex issues, reach informed conclusions, and deliver superior care to a wide range of patients more effectively. Furthermore, according to the American Nurses Association. (2023), “Effective delegation involves ongoing collaboration, communication, and trust”. Honing my delegation skills will enable me to assign responsibilities more effectively to the right members of our team, thereby increasing efficiency and ensuring that all patient care needs are met in a detailed manner. My goal, by concentrating on these skills, is to improve my overall performance as a nurse, foster beneficial outcomes for patients, and make a significant contribution to the effectiveness of our healthcare team.

In conclusion, the StrengthsFinder assessment has provided valuable insights into my strengths and areas for growth as a nurse. By aligning my actions with core values, leveraging strengths such as communication and adaptability, and striving to strengthen characteristics like delegation and critical thinking, I’m dedicated to offering kind, excellent care and developing as a healthcare practitioner all the time. Through ongoing reflection and development, I aim to maximize my potential and make a positive impact on the well-being of patients and their families.


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Brief Description of Results

This week’s exercise was really insightful, and it made me consider my behaviors and principles in a way that has allowed me to take some time for reflection. To effectively contribute to the healthcare team and provide good patient care, it is imperative that I recognize and leverage my talents as a nurse. My top five Clifton strengths, as determined by the StrengthsFinder testing, are futuristic, consistency, communication, discipline, and significance (Gallup, 2024). 


Two Core Values


Two core values highlighted by the assessment are Authenticity and Excellence. They are fundamental core values that shape character and guide behavior in various aspects of life. Authenticity involves the consistent alignment of actions with one’s true beliefs, values, and emotions. It emphasizes genuine self-expression and fosters trust and rapport in relationships. Brene Brown, a renowned researcher and author, extensively discusses the importance of authenticity in building meaningful connections with others, highlighting its role in cultivating resilience and empathy (Rivera et. al, 2019). 


Excellence, on the other hand, revolves around the relentless pursuit of mastery and the constant striving for the highest standards of performance. Drawing from Aristotle’s philosophy, excellence is viewed not merely as an isolated act but as a habit cultivated through persistent effort and dedication (Virtues are excellences, 2022). It encompasses a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, driving individuals to push beyond their limits to achieve greatness. By embracing authenticity and excellence as core values, individuals uphold integrity in their actions and inspire others to pursue their aspirations with unwavering dedication and integrity.


Two Strengths

Consistency and discipline are indispensable strengths that contribute significantly to personal and professional success. Consistency plays a vital role in nursing, where it ensures the delivery of high-quality care and fosters trust among patients (Gotze et. al, 2022). In my nursing experience, I recall a situation where a patient with chronic health issues required regular monitoring and medication administration. Despite the demanding workload and occasional disruptions, maintaining consistency in my approach was paramount. By adhering to established protocols and routines, I could effectively manage the patient’s condition and provide reassurance to both the patient and their family members. Consistent communication with the healthcare team ensured seamless coordination of care, leading to positive outcomes and improved patient satisfaction. This experience highlighted the importance of consistency in nursing practice, highlighting its ability to enhance patient outcomes and foster a sense of reliability and trust in the healthcare setting.

Discipline, on the other hand, involves the self-control and commitment to follow through on tasks and responsibilities, even in the face of challenges or distractions.Discipline in nursing is essential for ensuring patient safety, adhering to protocols, and maintaining professional standards. In my nursing experience, I encountered a challenging situation where a critically ill patient required meticulous care and attention to detail. Despite the high-pressure environment and long hours, discipline was crucial in staying focused and executing tasks with precision. Through disciplined time management and prioritization, I could effectively balance the patient’s complex needs while collaborating with the healthcare team to provide comprehensive care. Upholding discipline in adhering to medication schedules, documentation requirements, and infection control protocols ensured optimal patient outcomes and minimized the risk of errors. This experience reinforced the importance of discipline in nursing practice, highlighting its role in upholding standards of excellence and promoting patient well-being amidst demanding circumstances. Embracing these strengths allows me to navigate through complex situations with resilience and achieve desired outcomes with perseverance and determination.


Two Characteristics to Strengthen

To strengthen my weaknesses in risk-taking and delegation, I can employ various strategies aimed at building confidence and effectiveness in these areas. Regarding risk-taking, I can reframe failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback, fostering a growth mindset. Embracing calculated risks and starting with smaller, manageable steps can gradually increase my comfort levels with uncertainty. Seeking mentorship or guidance from experienced individuals who have successfully navigated risks can also provide valuable insights and support. Additionally, setting clear goals and evaluating potential risks and rewards can help me make informed decisions. 


When it comes to delegation, honing my communication skills is crucial to effectively convey expectations, responsibilities, and timelines to team members. Developing trust in the capabilities of others and relinquishing control over minor tasks can free up my time and mental energy for higher-level strategic planning (Crevacore, Jacob, Coventry, & Duffield, 2023).  Practicing active listening and providing constructive feedback can facilitate smoother delegation processes and empower team members to take ownership of their roles. Ultimately, consistent practice, self-reflection, and a willingness to step outside my comfort zone are key to strengthening these weaknesses and becoming more proficient in risk-taking and delegation.



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